Beat the system Letra

Alyson Stoner

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Beat the system" de Alyson Stoner.

Beat the system lyrics

If peace won't come then let it be here when I'm gone
Hold me like a child and sell me like a diamond for ransom
Well, that isn't fair, you get to play the lottery with second chances
So, whether you win today, the rest of us lost every game
Okay, if those are your rules, I'll beat the system
I'm not afraid to play the game and I won't let things remain the same

Chained or captive, I'll be there, split the difference
You're no longer here, I'm bound just by the power of you, the rest ado
Well, that isn't fair, you get to play the lottery with second chances
So, whether you win today, the rest of us lost every game
Okay, if those are your rules, I'll beat the system
I'm not afraid to play the game, I'll beat the system
And I wont' let things remain the same

The power of the struggle, the push and the pull
I was already on top but missed the control
[ De: ]
Women think it's superior but listen
Was played like a part in a selfish ambition
Now the power of the struggle, the push and the pull
Is inconvenient and even comfortable
But I'm not staying in this place no more
In this way no more and I'll say no more

How long did you think you could silence me?
Well, that isn't fair, you get to play the lottery with second chances
So, whether you win today, the rest of us lost every game
Okay, if those are your rules

Well, that isn't fair, you get to play the lottery with second chances
So, whether you win today, the rest of us lost every game
Okay, if those are your rules, I'll beat the system
I'm not afraid to play the game, I'll beat the system
And I won't let things remain the same, I'll beat the system
I'm not afraid to play the game, I'll beat the system
And I won't let things remain the same
Alyson Stoner

Alyson Stoner

Beat the system

Ver más info

Artista: Alyson Stoner
Canción: Beat the system
Duración: 03:20
Vistas: 836
Álbum: Beat the system

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