Be my animal Letra

The Good Natured

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Be my animal" de The Good Natured.

Be my animal lyrics

I am searching for you
I'm following
Footprints, the scent of you
I'm back again, I'm back again
I want some more
Give me some more
What are we made for?

(Oh) Be my animal hunt me down
(Oh) Take me now
[ De: ]
All the way to the ground
(Oh) Be my animal kill me now

You dig your claws into me
Can't get enough
Sinking my teeth into you
It's not enough, It's not enough
I want some more
Give me some more
What are we made for?

(Chorus) x3
The Good Natured

The Good Natured

Be my animal

Ver más info

Artista: The Good Natured
Canción: Be my animal
Duración: 02:56
Vistas: 33.926
Álbum: Skeleton
Etiquetas: indie, indie10, indie pop, favorite songs, pop

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