Asbestos Letra

Linkin Park

La letra de la canción "Asbestos" interpretada por Linkin Park fue publicada el 6 de diciembre de 2012 con su vídeo musical.

Asbestos lyrics

Don't start with the ugly part
Don't end with the things that will make them want to walk away
Tune in at the den again,
Another price ain't cheap but somebody's gonna have to pay
Oh yes, you can only guess, what it is, what it was
Or remember what I had in mind
Shotgunning on a joy ride,
coming down the block, half-cocked nearly half the time

Give it back, give it back, give it back, sing it

[ De: ]
One time for the words divine and
Two times for the things that you hope you never have to say
Three seams in a dead man's dream
and the girls tell the boys that they better fucking run away
Live it up, won't you give it up,
Turn it up, put it out, let it ride with the other lie
Shotgunning on a joy ride,
coming down the block, half-cocked nearly all the time

Give it back, give it back, give it back, sing it
Linkin Park

Linkin Park


Diciembre, 2012
15.802 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Linkin Park
Canción: Asbestos
Duración: 01:55
Estreno: Diciembre, 2012
Vistas: 15.802
Álbum: Underground 2012
Etiquetas: rock, rock alternativo

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