Antimatter (correcta) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Antimatter (correcta)" de Dragonland.

Antimatter (correcta) lyrics

Radioactive decay
A separation of fractal cycles
Decelereating array
Nothing stands in my way

Before the stars were born
From matter it was torn
Reach out, you

See, what science won't believe
A mirror for this world
Through gateways you will pass
Inverted human mass

"Interstellar travels
naught, in contrast to
inversion, of the universe known"

There will be no return
And soon you will learn
Now follow me

[ De: ]
Before the stars were born
From matter it was torn
Reach out, you

See, what science won't believe
A mirror for this world
Through gateways you will pass
Inverted human mass

Leave this earth
to a plane
With shadows lost in time
A vision
of anti-life
Abandon your strife

Before this dream was born
My vision was forlorn
None believed

Now, behold what can't be seen
The mirror of a dream
There will be no return
So reach out, you will learn


Antimatter (correcta)

Ver más info

Artista: Dragonland
Canción: Antimatter (correcta)
Vistas: 53

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