Answers in mourning Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Answers in mourning" de Carnifex.

Answers in mourning lyrics

I can't see it but I feel it everyday.
I'm watching the fain fall through this broken glass
and I'm washing the blood from my hands
washing the blood from my hands.
I shouldn't even try, she's right.

[This time it's gonna take everything that I have,
everything that I have.
[ De: ]
These are letters I'll never send, words that will go
I want you dead.
And bury you in the darkest part of my heart.
Your arms were my open grave begging me back.
Like a walk through a dead winter park, it was over
before the start.
These are letters that I'll never send.
I want you dead.


Answers in mourning

Ver más info

Artista: Carnifex
Canción: Answers in mourning
Duración: 02:46
Vistas: 124.614
Etiquetas: deathcore, i kill people, i will eat your soul, hacker tunes

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