Alive Letra

Linda Pritchard

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Alive" de Linda Pritchard.

Alive lyrics

One heart asking
Give me love, give me love
One soul praying
One day without you was more than I could take
I though I would break

Something came alive
Just when I though that all was gone
Something came alive
When I though it was over
You´re the only one, the only one
We´re stronger than before
Something came alive
Something came alive

One light burning
Give me hope, give me hope
One star is falling, tonight

Something came alive
Just when I thought that all was gone
Something came alive
When I though it was over
[ De: ]
You´re the only one, the only one
We´re stronger than before
Something came alive

(Didn´t know)
How much I´d miss you
Didn´t know how to survive
One heart asking
Give me love

Something came alive
Just when I though that all was gone
Something came alive
When I though it was over
You´re the only one, the only one
We´re stronger than before

Something came alive
Just when I though that all was gone
Something came alive
When I though it was over
You´re the only one, the only one
We´re stronger than before
Something came alive
Something came alive
Something came alive
Linda Pritchard
Ver más info

Artista: Linda Pritchard
Canción: Alive
Duración: 02:47
Vistas: 17.692
Etiquetas: alive, linda pritchard, kocham, massari

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