Cigarettes Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cigarettes" de Seether.

Cigarettes lyrics

They suck you in like cigarettes
while hanging you out to dry, yeah
making you feel like a hyprocrite
because you cannot lie, yeah
You are the reason we will never be set free
[ De: ]
we wanna be like you- we wanna be so cool
just like you
They're hanging you out with their whiskey breath
while leaving you out in the sun, yeah
making you feel like a hyprocrite because you cannot run, yeah



Ver más info

Artista: Seether
Canción: Cigarettes
Duración: 03:10
Vistas: 232.517
Álbum: Disclaimer ii (dirty version)
Etiquetas: rock, alternative rock, grunge, hard rock, seether

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