Come-on eyes Letra


El tema "Come-on eyes" interpretado por Pantera pertenece a su disco "I am the night". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Come-on eyes" de Pantera.

Come-on eyes lyrics

Love at first sight
i caught a glimpse
and i thought i'd try
to win her love
for my very own
She's the kind
that'll move on a dare
she loves a thrill
she'll take it anywhere
but when you need her
she won't be there
won't be there
she's never there
She's got come-on eyes
happens every time
never givin' her love
only givin' you lies
she'll put you thru hell
no matter how hard you try
[ De: ]
she's got come-on eyes
I can't win
she drives me insane
broken heart is
the name of her game
down on my knees
beggin' to please
needin' her love
All alone
out on the street
she was layin' me out
knocked me off my feet
she's always on my mind
it's what i'm thinkin' of
She's got come-on eyes
happens every time
never givin' her love
only givin' you lies
she'll put you thru hell
no matter how hard you try
she's got come-on eyes


Come-on eyes

Ver más info

Artista: Pantera
Canción: Come-on eyes
Duración: 04:15
Vistas: 46.209
Álbum: I am the night
Etiquetas: metal, come on eyes, pantera, 80s, hair metal

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