Breath Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Breath" de Moist.

Breath lyrics

save me from this
wandered around the town
all the thousand things
i might miss
And you
think we'll suffer much
think we'll close our eyes
just to see the light
pass us by
With tomorrow coming
hope that i don't
let you down again
said i'm so glad to be here
does it mean a thing
if only i could breathe what you breathe
if only i could see what you see
we'll take our time
watching the flowers grow
all the friends we've known say
[ De: ]
And you
did you suffer much
did you close your eyes
just to see the night
rush on by
Gathered all around you
hope that we don't
let you down again
i said i'm so glad to be here
does it mean a thing
if only i could breathe what you breathe
if only i could see what you see
Said im so glad to be here
does it mean a thing (2x)
Yeah i'm so glad to be here
does it mean anything
If only i could breathe what you breathe
if only i could see what you see
if only i could just believe a thing



Ver más info

Artista: Moist
Canción: Breath
Vistas: 230

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