Autumn Letra

Edgar Winter Group

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Autumn" de Edgar Winter Group.

Autumn lyrics

Autumn, the wind blows colder than
autumn, my love's gone with
I can't demand anything of myself
So i guess i'll stay here in new england, for autumn.
Buildings look tall and
birds flying, haven't much to
They all know that it's coming
[ De: ]
So i guess they'll stay here in new england, for autumn,
Did you ever lose something, that you thought you knew?
Did you ever lose someone, who was close to you?
Well i lost my and my summer
To autumn, the wind blows colder than
autumn, my love's gone with
I can't demand anything of myself
So i guess i'll stay here in new england, for autumn,
Edgar Winter Group
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Artista: Edgar Winter Group
Canción: Autumn
Duración: 03:00
Vistas: 999
Etiquetas: halloween

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