Drifting Letra


El tema "Drifting" interpretado por Recoil pertenece a su disco "Unsound methods". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drifting" de Recoil.

Drifting lyrics

With your wild, call the pace
taste the tracks of the waste
with your wild, with your sweet
with your cold black-eyed teeth
i close my eyes and i pray, yes i pray
Let it slide, let it slide
ignore me and everything i've done
for i am stupid, i am poison
i take this one
and i taste the tracks
i taste the tracks
of the waste in my head
and you face me instead
I must be drifting somewhere
i held in my hand but it's hard, so hard to see reason
the burning is here, is only here to follow through
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-drifting-recoil ]
But here it is harder than a screaming fist and i hate it
it's dark behind your smile and i can follow through
Let it slide, let it slide
ignore me and everything i've done
for words, like bullets they know when to come
and taste the tracks, and taste the tracks
of the waste in my head and you face me instead
well ignore me and everything i said
for i am stupid, i am poison.
I held in my hand but it's hard, so hard to see reason
it's dark behind your smile and i can follow through
i close my eyes and i pray, yes i pray
with your wild, call the pace
taste the track of the waste
with your wild, with your sweet




Ver más info

Artista: Recoil
Canción: Drifting
Duración: 06:37
Vistas: 47.133
Álbum: Unsound methods
Etiquetas: electronic, alternative, trip-hop, dark lounge, experimental

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