Days turn blue to gray Letra

Machine Head

El tema "Days turn blue to gray" interpretado por Machine Head pertenece a su disco "Through the ashes of empires". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Days turn blue to gray" de Machine Head.

Days turn blue to gray lyrics

Thou have fathered
son and daughter
doth begat, yet raised not bother
paralyzed your children's lives
wither vines of family ties
make him function
crayons and clay
days turn blue to gray
days turn blue to gray
Seventeen when
family begin
drinking, fighting, heroin
unquenchable addictions call
responsible to none above all
make him function
crayons and clay
days turn blue to gray
days turn blue to gray
Lest i taste
its sweet grapes
[ De: ]
glass to tongue
across it tips
cross my lips
swallow it down
won't you love me?
please help me see
what did i do?
did i hurt you?
and now that you're gone
emptiness lives on
the guilt is all i feel
no closure
no closure
The strings of my heart
you pulled on endlessly
this twine is severed
in tragedy
mother destroyer
destroy her
Your self-destruction
what made you feel alive
your self-destruction
of your children's
Machine Head

Machine Head

Days turn blue to gray

Ver más info

Artista: Machine Head
Canción: Days turn blue to gray
Duración: 05:23
Vistas: 295.264
Álbum: Through the ashes of empires
Etiquetas: machine head, groove metal, metal, thrash metal, heavy metal

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