Curiosity Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Curiosity" de Camel.

Curiosity lyrics

Sail, sail away,
there you go.
why not let me come along,
i won't tell no one.
Now our bodies have entwined,
touch me with your mind.
your dreams are a mystery,
[ De: ]
please share them with me.
Curiosity is killing me,
i just got to know.
curiosity is killing me,
i just got to know -
where, tell me where,
where are you



Ver más info

Artista: Camel
Canción: Curiosity
Duración: 05:52
Vistas: 52.999
Álbum: Camel
Etiquetas: progressive rock, symphonic prog, progressive, rock, classic rock

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