Angels of light Letra

Angels Of Light

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Angels of light" de Angels Of Light.

Angels of light lyrics

And you're lazy
so there's nothing that can stop you now
from sleeping
And your breathing in a silence that will drug you now
so completely
that you're drowning in a liquid that is glowing with strange substance
And your mind will show you pictures of your body.
without feeling.
[ De: ]
And you're rising to the surface of awareness
that's unconscious
And you're dreaming
of real violence
with no consequence,
with no meaning.
You're not free now
but unfolding
and you're beautiful in the light
You're not free now
you're not innocent
you're transparent
and you're right.
Na na na
Angels Of Light

Angels Of Light

Angels of light

Ver más info

Artista: Angels Of Light
Canción: Angels of light
Duración: 06:53
Vistas: 3.403

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